Three of Swords Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
Suit Element:
Air, analytical thought and intellect. Suit of challenges. Keywords and Phrases: Quarrels and conflict. Three of Swords Tarot Card Meanings The Three of Swords can indicate quarrels and conflict, as the three swords pierce the heart it can be an expression of painful emotions, the hurting heart. The stormy sky in the background of the image provides an indication of the tension and atmospheric conditions surrounding a challenging situation. The Three of Swords can bring disruption and disputes, crossed swords and sharp words that bring pain, general but troubling disagreements and conflicting opinions, ranging from family fallouts, to upsets with work colleagues, lovers or friends. Upset with others is always evident in some way but as it is a small numbered card, if it appears in a future position of the reading, we can advise caution to prevent matters escalating into something more serious. The sense of division can be painful but need not be permanent. For some readers this is the card that brings separation and splits, although for me, not so much (depending upon context). The Three of Swords is the main card that I find appears to suggest separation through distance, so it doesn’t necessarily imply an ending but the sense of unhappiness through being apart. Although within context, it isn’t ideal as an outcome card in a positional spread. In non-positional or free flow reading, I would check the card following to see how matters progress, what we wouldn't wish to see is a negative situation gathering momentum towards a permanent ending. If reversed or ill-dignified, can suggest being in denial over differences, a lack of compatibility with someone (or others), disorder. For some, it is seen as a reversal of the upright meaning and brings healing to difficulties. Three of Swords Tarot Card Combinations Seven of Wands > Three of Swords: Asserting a strong position with your opinion may lead to disagreement and a spiky exchange. Ten of Wands > Three of Swords: Can suggest pressure building up that leads to a quarrel, feeling the heat. Two of Cups > Three of Swords > Death: the end of the affair; quarrels in a loving relationship that brings it to a close. Six of Cups > Three of Swords: Possibly disagreement with old friends. Seven of Pentacles > Three of Swords: An upset over money, particularly money owed or earned that may be due. Three of Swords > Temperance > The Star: Pouring oil on troubled waters; patience, calm and diplomacy can help to heal divided opinions, compromise can lead to improvement with brighter times ahead. Learn how to link cards together and find the connections interwoven in your readings to add depth and dimension.
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