Three of Cups Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
Suit Element:
Water, female, passive energy - emotions Keywords and Phrases: Celebration, festivities, and joy. Three of Cups Tarot Card Meanings Everything in this card reflects a joyful party mood; we see three ladies dancing with streamers and sparklers, as the two golden Cups pour into a third upright and overflowing Cup, suggesting an outpouring of emotion. All the elements are represented, as the women are dressed in colours that correspond to the other elements, (earth, air, and fire) finding unity in shared joy. Everyone loves the Three of Cups and it’s easy to almost feel the sense of enjoyment within this card. Although it’s often a good sign of weddings and celebrations it can sometimes just show reason to rejoice with your own personal happy dance; those wonderful punch-in-the-air moments! This card often appears when someone has reason to celebrate something that makes them feel happy and fulfilled on a personal level, so it doesn’t always necessarily mean formal partying, although internally you may feel that way. The Three of Cups brings reasons to be cheerful and make merry. Dust off your gladrags and find your dancing shoes, even if only figuratively speaking, it’s time to let down your hair and celebrate with friends and family. If reversed or ill-dignified: group plans fall through; a cancelled or postponed event, emotional emptiness, feeling alienated or left out in the cold, strain between loved ones. Three of Cups Tarot Card Combinations Three of Cups > Ten of Wands > Four of Swords: Possibly burning the candle at both ends, may be a heavy duty social occasion and the consequences! Five of Wands > Ace of Swords > Three of Cups: Cause for celebration after winning over the competition. Three of Cups > Eight of Cups: Don't celebrate too early as this may not live up to your expectations. Eight of Swords > Six of Swords > Three of Cups: Relief following release from a pent-up and difficult situation. Knight of Pentacles > The World > Three of Cups: Celebrating a successful endeavour that may have been in the pipeline for a while and a long time in the making. The Lovers > The Hierophant > Three of Cups: One of the indications that can show wedding celebrations. Three of Cups > Death: Party or celebration cancelled. Learn how to link cards together and find the connections interwoven in your readings to add depth and dimension.
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