The Lover Returns:
Top 3 Tarot Cards for Reconciliation
Questions concerning relationships are usually quite high on the list in readings and, perhaps, one of the most frequently asked is the possibility of reconciling with an ex-lover or partner. As a result, which Tarot card combinations to look for is often one of the most popular questions with students too.
Aside from the usual positive cards we would look for to show a relationship developing, taking off, or being well-aspected with a good future, these are the three main cards that I look for: 1: Judgement
As Judgement shows things being resurrected or being brought back to life this is often the most important indicator. Judgement indicates revival of something that has lain dormant and has an element of past connection to it. If you’re using a positional spread, such as the Celtic Cross, you would be looking for this card to appear in the sixth or tenth position, as these represent the immediate future and outcome. If the ex was named in the question then Judgement appearing in the eighth position would show their desire to reconnect and it is in their thoughts. Positions five and nine though are not so much indicators that the situation may come to pass, as it is on the questioner’s mind, in their thoughts or hopes. When using the Life Spread and Anchor you would be looking for this card to appear in present or future positions. The advantage of using these two spreads is that you will often see this card repeated in both spreads. In the Life Spread the cards mentioned here all tend to group together or make a show in the relevant places. As with the other cards shown here, The Lovers as the card immediately following would be ideal. 2: Six of Cups
The Six of Cups indicates people or places coming back from the past, one of my keywords being “a blast from the past,” for this reason. If you’re using the Life Spread then pay particular attention to the card that follows it, for this will show the result and development that can be anticipated, or not, as the case may be. Care needs to be taken with the Six of Cups as the ex may show up in the person’s life or make contact but it may not lead to a full reconciliation of the relationship. It is still a good card and a strong sign, particularly as the outcome in a fixed position spread to a set question, but with the Life Spread I’d be looking for further cards to strengthen and confirm it. 3: Temperance
Temperance as a card of healing can also show renewal. This is also an excellent card if there have been tiffs, rifts, or upsets, as it shows that with patience and compromise harmony and balance can be restored. It’s not unusual when this is the case to find The Star alongside too, and although this is a hopeful card and brings healing for the future it doesn’t contain the same message of renewal found within Temperance. Again, the difference in other positive cards present would depend whether you’re using a fixed position or non-positional spread. One to Watch for
The Two of Cups can also be a helpful card, especially if the questioner is currently single, as the Two of Cups shows the continuation or development of a relationship in some way. It’s most noticeable if the Ace of Cups is absent, which usually shows the beginning of a new relationship. I prefer to see the Two as a back-up card to the other three though; otherwise it could suggest a close friendship or someone else known to the questioner developing into a romance, which I do see in readings quite a lot. With the Life Spread and Anchor you don’t usually have to look far for the card combinations and groupings that normally occur. For instance, Judgement and Temperance present in the Anchor, combined with all three cards (Six of Cups, Temperance, and Judgement) appearing in the Life Spread, particularly when side-by-side, is one of the best indications you could find, and not unusual. If the potential strongly exists it will be difficult to miss the signs and, hopefully, other positive cards will contribute to not only show the reconciliation, but also the happy-ever-after too! You'll also find detailed information for Tarot Card Meanings and Combinations from this link. You may also like...
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