The Fool Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
0 The Fool Correspondences:
Astrology: Associated with Uranus Element: Air (or Spirit) Keywords & phrases: New and unanticipated situation. Surprise! The Fool Tarot Card Meanings The Fool Tarot card carries the number zero, filled with unlimited potential of the moment before creation, as such it shows us that in this moment anything is possible. Sometimes termed as the ‘wild card,’ it carries an unknown factor and element of surprise. Waite refers to this card as, "He is the spirit in search of experience." When The Fool card appears in a Tarot reading it shows something new and unanticipated entering the scene, so it can be something of a curve ball. Expect the unexpected with this card because The Fool is full of surprises, usually of the positive variety but always look for the card that follows to see where the new beginning may lead. The Fool will take you into unchartered territory and new adventures, outside of your usual and familiar path. There’s a sense of childlike innocence and spontaneity, so you’ll need to stay open-minded and decide whether to take a leap of faith. The Fool is usually an exciting card when he lands on your horizon, filled with potential and possibility. Traditionally this card was associated with folly or foolishness, although generally the meaning has evolved over time it may still be considered in this context if badly aspected (surrounded by negative cards). If reversed, The Fool may signify being immature or behaving inappropriately, making bad choices through rash decisions, or avoiding risk and becoming stuck in routine due to apathy.
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The Fool and The Magician
In this combination, the inexperience of The Fool meets the mastery of The Magician. An unexpected opportunity may arise that will allow you to develop new skills and let your natural but latent talents thrive. In whatever area of life this combination appears, it encourages you to take the initiative, have confidence, and believe in yourself. With focus and a determined will, you can manifest your aims and have the ability to achieve your full potential. If entering a new field of work, you may initially feel out of your comfort zone but have the capability to do extremely well if you apply yourself. The Fool and The High Priestess
The Fool and High Priestess make an enigmatic combination, for one speaks of surprise and the other of mystery. If we follow the ordering of the cards, reading from left to right, we find a new and unexpected development that reveals itself as the path progresses. The High Priestess always brings important information to light, something hidden being revealed, that will be to your advantage. On that basis, you don’t need to wait for all the answers before you begin but can trust your instincts, as the answers that you need will appear at just the right moment. For some, it may represent pursuing the start of an important spiritual journey, to delve into the hidden and deeper mysteries of life, a neophyte on the spiritual quest. Be prepared to go deeper… The Fool and The Empress
As a combination, The Fool and The Empress represent starting something completely new that reaps good rewards and comes to fruition fairly quickly. An abundant harvest awaits but will also be reliant upon the amount of care and nurturing you apply to the matter in question. As The Empress is a card of fertility, this combination may suggest an unexpected pregnancy! (As always, the context of your interpretation will depend upon background, question asked, and other surrounding or supporting cards.) The Fool and The Emperor
The Fool and The Emperor as a combination can suggest an unexpected development for a leadership position or promotion opportunity. As polar opposites, The Fool brings a sense of playful naivete whilst The Emperor indicates maturity with stability and a responsible approach, so you may find an unanticipated situation that requires you to step up. New plans and ideas hold great potential, as this powerful card can help to stabilise matters and can bring fairly rapid advancement. The Fool and The Hierophant
The free-spirited Fool may feel curtailed by the constraints of tradition and convention in combination with The Hierophant. The natural expression of The Fool may sing to your sense of curiosity and adventure whilst The Hierophant encourages you to follow the rules and not colour outside of the lines at the moment. If you’re entering a new path in life then it can indicate that a wise and trusted person could provide good guidance that would be helpful. Large organisations and institutions may feature, and this would tend to indicate it would emerge in a rather unexpected way. The Fool and The Lovers
For those single, The Fool combined with The Lovers can represent a new relationship that arrives unexpectedly, in a most surprising way, or from an unanticipated source; possibly a blind date. For those attached, a new opportunity and potential pathway provides cause to put your head together with your partner, as you make decisions on the way forward for the future. The Fool and The Chariot
The Fool in combination with The Chariot provides a good deal of exciting energy but it may also heed you to exercise a certain degree of caution. It can represent an essence of naivete and enthusiastically rushing headlong into a situation for which you’re not fully prepared due to inexperience. Whilst it can bring the unexpected arrival of a new opening, which you may fully embrace, it would be worthwhile taking advice before plunging straight in and some guidance along the way. There is good potential but focus and self-discipline can help to keep you on track. The Fool and Strength
The Fool in combination with the Strength card can suggest being prepared to pursue a new path with a dose of courage and quiet determination. You may need to pull on all your inner reserves and resources at your disposal and apply consistent effort. This combination tends to indicate a completely new path that will require endurance but one you can follow with good grace. Along the way, diplomacy when dealing with others will pay dividends. The Fool and The Hermit
The Fool and The Hermit combination appear to be in opposition but complement one another perfectly. The Fool brings all the freshness of an enthusiastic and open mind, filled with excitement at the potential and possibility that a new beginning can bring. In contrast, The Hermit suggests a more cautionary approach by applying wisdom and deeply contemplating the steps ahead as you move forward. You may encounter someone older and wiser who is able to assist you, but a mature approach is recommended, together with plenty of time to gather facts and information. The Fool and Wheel of Fortune
The Fool leading to the Wheel of Fortune can suggest an unexpected twist of fate and brings the surprise element of a lucky break that was unanticipated. A new beginning holds fortunate circumstances that moves life into a new and beneficial chapter. Whilst you may be venturing into unfamiliar territory, or an area outside of your expertise, in this instance it appears to be a lucky gamble that pays off! The Fool and Justice
The Fool combined with Justice can suggest an unexpected legal situation arising, and this can include dealing with contracts, documents, or agreements, so it doesn’t necessarily imply a negative situation (which is often the first association people can make when legal matters are suggested), so a new contract, for instance. It can also represent the need for a balanced mind when faced with a surprising situation; to weigh up all the facts of the matter, or taking a balanced approach toward what potentially appears to be an exciting new opportunity. The Fool and The Hanging Man
The Fool combined with the Hanged Man suggests that a new beginning may stall. Be sure to check all the details before launching yourself into this situation as it suggests matters could be left in limbo, so it could take much longer than anticipated, or fail to take off altogether. Whatever you may be faced with, a reassessment of considered actions would be recommended before setting off. “Act in haste repent at leisure…” The Fool and Death
The Fool leading to the Death card can suggest something that ends almost as quickly as it begins. Whatever this new path introduces may be short-lived. Alternatively, for some, (and depending upon other cards present) it can show positively for a complete and absolute change, such as something new that paves the way for a major change and transformation to your lifestyle as a result - this would tend to indicate a fairly radical change in your life. The Fool and Temperance
The Fool in combination with the Temperance card would usually recommend taking a more moderate approach to the matter at hand – look before you leap. The inexperienced exuberance of The Fool is tempered by the more considered approach found in Temperance, which suggests applying patience and moderation. It's possible that an unexpected opportunity can bring more harmony and balance into your life but it will also require you to be more measured about it, rather than rushing into things. For some, it may bring an unanticipated path toward healing and renewal in a situation. The Fool and The Devil
The Fool followed by The Devil can act as a warning regarding a new beginning you may wish to avoid. The Devil adds a sense of heaviness to the situation, and you could find yourself unwittingly entrapped due to inexperience and naivete. A new opportunity can become tarnished, and it would be wise to perform a good deal of due diligence before getting involved; others connected to this situation may not be completely honest or honourable regarding their intentions. Something is amiss in this situation, and it would be wise to give this one a wide berth. The Fool and The Tower
The Fool combined with The Tower can suggest shocks and surprises of the less favourable variety. Whilst something may look exciting, shiny and new, this would be a path best avoided as it could blow up in quite a spectacular fashion and then fall apart quite rapidly. This combination has a very disruptive influence, is highly unpredictable, and quite unstable – one to avoid! The Fool and The Star
The Fool in combination with The Star suggests that an unexpected opportunity is favourably aspected and holds good promise for the future. In whichever area of life this combination lands it heralds bright blessings for any new endeavours. Pay attention to unanticipated and surprising developments, and don’t be afraid to pursue a completely new path, as the Star encourages you to step forward and assures you that life will improve as a result. Promising adventures for work or love. The Fool and The Moon
The Fool in combination with The Moon holds a slightly different flavour and asks you to look before you leap. This combination indicates a new path filled with uncertainty and unknown factors. There can be an element of secrecy or something hidden, so you may not have all the facts and it can muddy the waters. It can also highlight veiled activity and when applied to a person involved in the situation it may show that they’re not being fully open with you, although not necessarily for dishonest reasons. There’s always more to a situation than meets the eye so be watchful and wait, as information will eventually surface in the fullness of time. The Fool and The Sun
The Fool in combination with The Sun represents a completely new path that leads to successful endeavours, filled with happiness and contentment. In whatever area of life, a new opportunity that arises can bring shining success and is worthy of your investigation. A complete change of direction may bring the happiness you have been seeking, although initially it may feel as though you’re stepping out on a limb. The Fool and Judgement
The Fool with the Judgement card provides a combination of opposites that complement one another. An unexpected opportunity brings a situation back onto your radar and, depending upon the circumstances, this could be a reconciliation with someone, a revival of an old project, or a second bite of the cherry to something coming back around for a second time. This may be a surprising development or occur in a way that is wholly unanticipated. For some, taking a completely new path leads to something from the past being revived or resurrected. The Fool and The World
The Fool combined with The World can bring highly successful results in a relatively short period of time to a new venture. Although this may be something completely new to you, and outside of your familiar comfort zone, it can lead to the accomplishment and attainment of a long-sought goal. Whilst The Fool indicates something new The World represents the triumphant conclusion, so you have the ability to really pull something off here, regardless of inexperience this is a new adventure worth pursuing. The Fool and the Ace of Wands
The Fool combined with the Ace of Wands provides plenty of excitement in the pursuit of a new path. An unexpected or surprising event may open the opportunity for a new venture or a whole new way of life. Whilst this is an exciting combination, buzzing with energy and enthusiasm, it may also require some down-to-earth thought to help ground matters and see them through on a practical basis. In matters of the heart, it may suggest a thrilling and passionate new relationship that arrives out of the blue or in surprising circumstances. The Fool and Two of Wands
The Fool combined with the Two of Wands indicates an exciting new pathway opening up before you and suggests a continuation of the journey; taking it forward and making it real. Whilst these are early days and you may lack experience, you’ll have the opportunity to organise your plans as you venture forth. For some it may suggest having the chance to join a new working partnership or group and this would be quite a significant step. Don’t be afraid to seek out others who can help to provide advice in those areas where you may feel you lack knowledge or experience. The Fool and Three of Wands
The Fool in combination with the Three of Wands can bring an exciting new opportunity for progress and expansion. Commercial ventures are well-aspected and can indicate being in a position to add a new string to your bow, in terms of expanding into a new avenue. The expansive nature of the Three sees early plans starting to knit together and you should start to see some early signs of success. In relationship readings it would tend to indicate confidence and growth in a relationship and making plans for the future. The Fool and Four of Wands
The Fool and Four of Wands combination can bring stability to a new path. Whilst there may have been an element of inexperience or naivete in a new direction you’re pursuing it should settle down fairly quickly and to your satisfaction. You may have the opportunity to take an unanticipated short break, or a surprise holiday could feature that wasn’t scheduled in your plans, as leisure pursuits can be indicated, and this would normally be somewhere completely new or unknown to you. For some, it could bring unexpected wedding plans. The Fool and Five of Wands
The Fool in combination with the Five of Wands may throw a few hurdles and challenges into your path as you set off on a new adventure. If you’re looking to set up a new venture, it would be recommended to check as much background information as possible as you could be stepping into a highly competitive environment, and one you are also inexperienced in to begin with. For some it may simply suggest unexpected and unanticipated obstacles and can arise in relation to any area of life. For example, a new relationship may find difficulty getting off the ground due to the constant obstacles that seem to arise. The Fool and Six of Wands
The Fool and Six of Wands combination suggests a new venture that leads to success, and this should come about quite quickly. For some, it may bring a surprise award or honour; an unanticipated accolade where others are singing your praises, or possibly an unexpected promotion. If you are setting off with a new project then you should find others supportive to your cause with a successful outcome. Important news from out the blue may also feature. The Fool and Seven of Wands
The Fool and Seven of Wands as a combination can show that although you may setting out in a completely new direction you have the courage of your convictions. This may be something you feel quite strongly about and are prepared to defend your viewpoint from outside influences, this would also be relevant with regard to where the spread or question may involve a new relationship. The Fool brings completely new beginnings into play, but what you may lack in experience you can make up with personal belief and conviction. The Fool and Eight of Wands
The Fool combined with the Eight of Wands can bring unexpected or surprising news and holds a good deal of energy and enthusiasm. It tends to suggest a fast moving situation, so events will be unfolding at a fairly swift pace. This is an exciting combination that should propel situations forward quite quickly. For some, it may bring an unexpected opportunity for travel or a surprise trip that generates considerable excitement. The Fool and Nine of Wands
The Fool in combination with the Nine of Wands can indicate a new situation that is perhaps a bit more trying than you had anticipated when you first leapt into it. Perseverance and determination will be required and it may take a little longer or require more effort than you first thought. This is one of those combinations where we would be checking the following card, or other indications in the spread, to see whether it suggests that efforts would ultimately pay off. Be prepared to get stuck in and dig in. The Fool and Ten of Wands
The Fool appearing together with the Ten of Wands can suggest that something new you’re launching into could prove to be too much, or the final straw that broke the camel’s back. Naivete or inexperience may lead you to fail to see the bigger picture or what may be involved further down the track, so there is the possibility of biting off more than you can chew, or being left with additional responsibilities on your shoulders that you hadn’t fully considered. Whilst The Fool travels light, unencumbered by the baggage of life experiences, the Ten of Wands can weigh you down. The Fool and Page of Wands
The Fool leading to the Page of Wands can have various interpretations, depending upon how you intentionally apply Court Cards in your readings. It can suggest unexpected news or messages concerning work matters, or a surprise situation involving an outgoing child. If you use the Pages as a facet of the client’s character, then there’s an overlap of the message of newness and inexperience, so care would be needed in being overly optimistic and rushing into an area where you lack expertise. The Fool and Knight of Wands
When The Fool and Knight of Wands appear together in a reading it can represent an unexpected change of residence (or changes within the home setup), and in work matters it can bring an unanticipated relocation. For some, there may be a surprise journey in the offing and the opportunity for travelling to far off horizons. For some, emigration may feature. This combination brings plenty of action and movement into the equation. The Fool and Queen of Wands
The Fool leading to the Queen of Wands can have different interpretations, depending upon how you intentionally apply the Court Cards in your readings. In predictive style, it suggests that on a new path or venture the next steps will be reliant upon the actions and behaviour of a warm outgoing lady, as she’s shown entering the scene once the journey has begun. For those who read the Courts as facets of character, it may be encouraging you to be bold and take a risk to be more confident and outgoing in your dealings, even if you feel you lack experience. The Fool and King of Wands
The Fool leading to the King of Wands can have different interpretations, depending upon how you intentionally apply the Court Cards in your readings. In predictive style, it suggests the unexpected arrival of a dynamic and charismatic man. For those who read the Courts as facets of character, The Fool can emphasise the sometimes bold and impulsive nature of the King of Wands as someone who acts first and asks questions later, so he’s unafraid to leap into things headfirst. The Fool and Ace of Cups
The Fool and Ace of Cups together in a reading reinforces the message of new beginnings and, in this instance, suggests one that involves love and happiness. For those who are single it may indicate a new love relationship that originates from a completely unexpected source, but usually represents someone new and unknown to the client. For those happily attached, a completely new path can lead to a new beginning coming in through the home and brings joy and happiness for all concerned. The Fool and Two of Cups
The Fool and Two of Cups appearing together as a combination can represent the surprising development of a love relationship, for example from friends to lovers for those who are single. For those happily settled, the Two lends focus to the existing relationship and tends to suggest that you and your partner will both be involved in the situation that The Fool introduces. The Two indicates a close and loving bond of harmony and unity and brings continuity to the new journey and beginning found in The Fool, for some this may be engagement or marriage. The Fool and Three of Cups
The Fool and Three of Cups combined together in a reading can show an unexpected celebration or a surprise social event. If you’re entering into any kind of new venture, then it should bring cause for jubilation within a fairly short period of time. You may be setting forth on new adventures with your friends or a social group to let your hair down and enjoy some lighthearted fun and frivolity. The Fool and Four of Cups
The Fool combined with the Four of Cups suggests a new path that fails to live up to your expectations. Whilst it may seem exciting to begin with whatever lies ahead can leave you feeling flat, jaded, or uninspired with developments, so the situation may not pan out quite in the way you had hoped. Inexperience or naivete may play its part, however, it also warns of missing further opportunities as matters progress due to a sense of apathy or boredom. The Fool and Five of Cups
The Fool together with the Five of Cups may suggest checking into things first before leaping in headfirst, as it could leave you feeling disappointed and there may be elements of regret over hasty past actions. A case of look before you leap with this combination, so caution may be your best policy and perhaps a new path best avoided. For some it may bring unexpected upsets. The Fool and Six of Cups
The Fool combined with the Six of Cups can bring elements of the past unexpectedly back onto your horizon. Depending upon surrounding cards (spread and question, etc.,) this can range from old friends and colleagues, former flames, previous places of work or former employment, or an old stomping ground. Whatever you may be dealing with holds an aspect with the past and previous connection in some way. For some, it can show a new path that feeds back into an old one as matters progress. The Fool and Seven of Cups
The Fool and Seven of Cups combination can suggest an element of being overly optimistic, where imagination could lead you astray as you’re swept along in exuberance and a cloud of endless possibilities. The naivete of The Fool could come unstuck and lead to actions that may appear foolhardy in retrospect. If followed by a more stable and successful card, it may point to new opportunities that lead to options and choices with a good outcome. The Fool and Eight of Cups
The Fool appearing together with the Eight of Cups in a reading can represent a new beginning that fails to live up to your expectations and will finally be abandoned. The Eight carries an air of disillusionment and so it suggests that regardless of time and energy poured into this new development, it can leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled. For some, it may simply represent walking away from a new and unexpected opportunity. The Fool and Nine of Cups
The Fool and Nine of Cups combined can bring an unexpected development that leads to a wish fulfilled. You may achieve something you’ve been hoping for in a completely unanticipated or surprising way. The Fool introduces something new into the picture, so if you’re venturing into new territory (in any area of life) then you will be more than thrilled with the outcome. This may be one of those occasions where, despite your lack of experience or knowledge, the opportunity to take a new path in life is simply too good to miss. The Fool and Ten of Cups
The Fool combined with the Ten of Cups brings a new beginning that leads to happiness and contentment in the heart department. In literal terms, sometimes it can represent a surprise marriage, or a serious commitment being made unexpectedly. These are excellent cards for family life, showing that a new opportunity may arise from out the blue that can result in a happy family life, filled with joy and fulfilment. The Fool and Page of Cups
The Fool together with the Page of Cups can bring unexpected news of an emotional nature, and usually favourable; a surprise love letter, for instance. If reading in connection with the Page as a character facet, it can emphasise the newness of a situation for which you’re not quite prepared, which adds to the inexperience and naivety level of The Fool. If negatively aspected, this combination may point to emotional immaturity. The Fool and Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups brings offers proposals and invitations, so preceded by The Fool this combination suggests it comes along with an element of surprise. Depending upon surrounding cards, context, background, or question, it could suggest an unexpected invitation, or an offer for a job or property, a business proposition, an offer of love, an invitation to a date, or a marriage proposal. The offer is usually emotional in nature in some way, but The Fool adds the unanticipated element, so usually something of a surprise. The Fool and Queen of Cups
The Fool combined with the Queen of Cups can show a kind and thoughtful lady making an unexpected entrance into your life, or perhaps her presence arises due to surprising circumstances. Alternatively, as a progression of events, it can indicate that a sensitive lady of this personality type will be important as events unfold concerning a new beginning. For those who read Court Cards as a facet of personality to provide advice, it can suggest a need to tune into the well of emotions within and express empathy as matters progress. The Fool and King of Cups
The Fool combined with the King of Cups in a reading can represent the unexpected appearance of an easy-going and warm-hearted man in your life, and what happens next will be reliant upon his actions or behaviour in some way. As a progression of events, it may show a considerate and thoughtful man enters the picture once a completely new beginning is underway. For those who read the Court Cards as facets of personality, it may suggest being in touch with your emotions and empathy with others. The Fool and Ace of Swords
The Fool in combination with the Ace of Swords highlights the aspect of new beginnings. It may suggest taking a leap of faith by following a completely new path and one that will come up trumps for you. Your sense of adventure may be awakened and there is excitement towards making a fresh start; clarity of thought and strength of will is indicated, so it is not an act of folly. No matter what challenges you may encounter along the way, it shows that you will triumph over adversity. The Fool and Two of Swords
The Fool appearing together with the Two of Swords suggests a new beginning could stall as matters progress and this may be down to external factors, but nothing is moving one way or another. It may be that you feel indecisive, or in two minds about how to move things forward, so it can also indicate that procrastination creates the logjam. An exciting start leads to a stalemate situation so it may be best to look before you leap in this instance or be clear about your forward plans before taking the plunge. The Fool and Three of Swords
The Fool leading to the Three of Swords suggests that a new beginning may lead to stormy emotions, upheavals in family situations, or quarrels and sharp exchanges with others. The recommendation with this combination would be to ensure you do all your homework and ensure that those closest to you are fully on board with plans being considered before diving in, as it could lead to upsets as matters progress. On a more literal level, it may indicate a surprise quarrel that erupts unexpectedly or comes from an unanticipated quarter. The Fool and Four of Swords
The Fool leading to the Four of Swords can indicate a situation slowing down after the initial thrill of the new beginning. For some, this may be the perfect opportunity to regroup and consolidate your position before continuing with an unexpected opportunity. However, it can suggest an unanticipated fallow period, so if you’re contemplating diving into something completely new and hoping for continued momentum this may not be the best time to make your move. In the context of a new relationship, it may suggest someone withdrawing or pulling back quite quickly. The Fool and Five of Swords
The Fool combined with the Five of Swords can act as a warning that a new beginning may not be all you believe it to be. This is an area where your inexperience or naivete could be taken advantage of as it suggests underhandedness and a hidden agenda on the path ahead. The Five of Swords brings an element of deceit and can sometimes indicate theft, but someone’s gain would be your loss and it is a situation purposefully pursued, so therefore a deliberate action. One to avoid. The Fool and Six of Swords
The Fool together with the Six of Swords can indicate that following a completely new path will lead to calm and respite following challenging times, so life should start to improve as a result. This new beginning is surrounded by calming influences and life should be less hectic than previously. For some, it may represent a surprise or unexpected journey and this may be a voyage or over water. The Fool and Seven of Swords
The Fool combined with the Seven of Swords suggests you need to plan your strategy as you embark upon a new adventure. Whilst this may be a completely unknown path to you, it is recommended that you do your homework, devise your plan, and stick to it meticulously, to ensure matters progress in the way you wish. People and situations may need very careful handling so be cautious in all your dealings. The Fool and Eight of Swords
As a combination, The Fool leading to the Eight of Swords can suggest that a new beginning will meet with restrictions, or you may feel as though there will be limitations that prevent you from making progress. Self-doubts may get the better of you, particularly since this is a new area you’re not familiar with, so you may feel out of your depth which can create a sense of paralysis. If this combination is in a future area, then it may advise considering a different plan of action, as this new beginning could leave you feeling trapped. The Fool and Nine of Swords
The Fool leading to the Nine of Swords suggests that taking a completely new path may lead to a period of worry and anxiety. The Fool takes you into unfamiliar and unchartered territory, so it’s possible this lack of experience could create some concerns and sleepless nights. This is not an ideal combination, so generally a situation you would try to avoid if appearing in future positions. Ideally, check the next card following, to see if worries would be temporary or if it shows an escalating situation of unfavourable circumstances. The Fool and Ten of Swords
The Fool combined with the Ten of Swords tends to indicate circumstances may not develop in the way you hoped, as it can show a new beginning that results in failed plans. As the cards immediately move from a new beginning to a disappointing ending, it suggests that whatever is started will be short-lived or possibly fail to get off the ground. This is not an ideal combination when found in this order and the opposite ordering would be preferable. However, if found in future positions it can act as a warning as one to avoid! The Fool and Page of Swords
The Fool appearing together with the Page of Swords can indicate a new beginning followed by some minor delays, so the situation may not proceed quite as quickly as first anticipated. For some, it may suggest some unexpected news that’s slightly disappointing, or a surprise situation involving a serious-minded child. If you use the Pages as a facet of the client’s character, then there’s an overlap of the message of newness and inexperience, so care may be needed in rushing into an area where you lack expertise, but the Page of Swords can also be helpful in this regard, as it could suggest some research and critical thinking may be required. The Fool and Knight of Swords
The Fool appearing together with the Knight of Swords can indicate a new beginning that progresses with great speed. As The Fool suggests there’s a level of inexperience involved, the chaotic pace that follows could leave you wrong-footed if you’re not prepared. The advice from the Knight is to ensure that you act swiftly but decisively in order to stay on track with events but be ready to move as the situation will unfold very quickly. The Fool and Queen of Swords
The Fool combined with the Queen of Swords can show a straightforward and independent lady with strength of character making an unexpected entrance into your life, or perhaps her presence arises due to surprising circumstances. Alternatively, as a progression of events, it can indicate that a perceptive woman of this personality type will be important as events unfold concerning a new beginning. For some, she may represent dealings with a legal representative. For those who read Court Cards as a facet of personality to provide advice, it can suggest the need to keep your wits about you, keep a cool head and take decisive action as matters progress. The Fool and King of Swords
The Fool combined with the King of Swords in a reading can represent the unexpected appearance of an enigmatic man in your life, he has an agile mind and tends to keep his cards close to his chest but straight to the point when required, and what happens next will be reliant upon his actions or behaviour. As a progression of events, it may show a strong and supportive man enters the picture once a new beginning is underway. For some, he may represent a legal representative or man in uniform. For those who read the Court Cards as facets of personality, it may suggest taking a logical and decisive approach when dealing with responsibilities as someone others can count upon. The Fool and Ace of Pentacles
The Fool combined with the Ace of Pentacles can bring a new material opportunity, one that allows you to build upon a solid foundation for the future. There’s an overlap here that highlights new beginnings and this one may arise in an unexpected or surprising way. The Ace of Pentacles adds some grounding energy to the naïve nature of The Fool so although you may lack experience in this situation it contains the first seed of opportunity for the beginning of wealth and prosperity. On a mundane level, it may point to the unexpected arrival of a material contract or financial document. The Fool and Two of Pentacles
The Fool leading to the Two of Pentacles may suggest a completely new beginning that will require a careful juggling act to maintain the balance as the situation moves forward. It can sometimes represent multiple situations, so it could indicate a delicate balancing act, such as multi-tasking or balancing more than one thing, as a result of having become involved in something else new; alternatively, it may point to more than one unexpected opportunity arriving. On a mundane level, a surprising event that requires careful cashflow management. The Fool and Three of Pentacles
The Fool appearing with the Three of Pentacles can show an unexpected opportunity arising in relation to your main work. If you’re entering a completely new field you’ll be able to apply known and existing skills towards it. With this combination you’re not usually entering something that is completely new to you or where you’re inexperienced, so you would lean more toward the surprise element interpretation. However, where that’s deemed not to be the case, it would indicate quickly being able to achieve mastery and skill in a completely new field. The Fool and Four of Pentacles
The Fool followed by the Four of Pentacles suggests a completely new path that you’re prepared to work hard towards in order to achieve your material goals. For most, (and on a more general level), it may indicate being overly cautious about becoming involved in a new situation or holding back from entering into a completely new beginning. Check the following and surrounding cards, as it may show hesitant caution could cause you to miss a new opportunity. The Fool and Five of Pentacles
The Fool combined with the Five of Pentacles can represent a costly new beginning. If you’re setting forth into a new venture, ensure that you’re well-funded and have contingency plans ready. Rushing headlong into an area where you’re inexperienced could prove expensive and there may be hidden financial factors that you’re not yet aware of. “A fool and his money are easily parted,” comes to mind. For some, it may be that you accept a new path on the basis of reduced compensation, and this may be appropriate if you’re trying to gain a foothold on the ladder initially. However, for most, it can be a warning of loss as matters progress. On a mundane level, it may reveal unexpected expenses. The Fool and Six of Pentacles
The Fool in combination with the Six of Pentacles can represent support and generosity from others as you set off on a completely new path It may be due to these benefic and charitable influences that you’re able to make this leap into the unknown, or that they’re helpful towards you as matters progress. Although you may feel outside of your comfort zone help and support will be shown towards you and others prepared to deliver favours. It can also indicate a surprise gift. The Fool and Seven of Pentacles
The Fool followed by the Seven of Pentacles suggests you can make progress and reap the rewards of something new, on the proviso you’re prepared to work patiently and methodically toward your goal as matters progress. This new beginning will require consistent effort, but it leads to growth and returns for your efforts. For some it may bring an unanticipated payment but usually for investments or efforts already expended on something. The Fool and Eight of Pentacles
The Fool leading to the Eight of Pentacles can show an unexpected opportunity for new work or employment; a new job opportunity For some, a new study or training programme can be highlighted, although it would tend to suggest learning a completely new skill or delving into an area that’s outside of your usual expertise. For those in business or self-employed, it may show new work or clients arising from a surprising source, but generally the overlap and emphasis of this combination suggests the arrival of completely new work. The Fool and Nine of Pentacles
As a progression of events, The Fool leading to the Nine of Pentacles can suggest a lucrative new path. For instance, if you were starting a new work venture or business then it could show that you receive good financial results fairly soon after; if this were a new work position then it should come along with a good financial package. Outside of a work or business context it may show an unexpected bonus or payment arriving that allows for a little luxury. On a personal level it can indicate a new beginning leads to greater self-reliance and financial independence, sufficient to enjoy some home comforts and the fruits of your labours. The Fool and Ten of Pentacles
The Fool combined with the Ten of Pentacles can show a new path that leads to material stability and security. It can bring an unexpected surprise for the home and family and for some a new home may be in the offing that arises in an unanticipated way, so not usually something that was planned. This is a lovely combination where a new beginning can lead to comfort, prosperity, and stability. The Fool and Page of Pentacles
The Fool appearing together with the Page of Pentacles can suggest some unexpected news concerning finances and, for some, it may be messages concerning a new academic course of study. Pages can also represent minors, so in this regard it may show a new path or surprising development for a solid and practical child. If you use the Pages as a character trait, then the message of inexperience may be emphasised, where a careful and methodical approach will be required moving forward in a new venture. The Fool and Knight of Pentacles
The Fool leading to the Knight of Pentacles can represent starting something completely new that will take time to materialize into the final result. The Knight of Pentacles has a slow-moving energy and it also highlights being methodical and taking care of the details as matters progress. For some, this combination may indicate a surprising situation of a longstanding matter finally coming to fruition. The Fool and Queen of Pentacles
The Fool leading to the Queen of Pentacles can have different interpretations, depending upon how you intentionally apply the Court Cards in your readings. In predictive style, it suggests that the progress of a new beginning will be reliant upon the actions or behaviour of an organised and methodical woman, as she’s shown entering the scene once the journey has begun. For those who read the Courts as facets of character, it may recommend taking a practical stance and attending to the details as matters progress, particularly as this may be an area where you lack expertise. The Fool and King of Pentacles
The Fool leading to the King of Pentacles can have different interpretations, depending upon how you intentionally apply the Court Cards in your readings. In predictive style, it may suggest the unexpected arrival of a steady and reliable man. For those who read the Courts as facets of character, it may suggest taking a practical and methodical approach, which is in stark contrast to the spontaneous nature of The Fool; a new path will require a measured approach as matters progress. Material provided here is in addition and complementary to the Easy Tarot series.
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