Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations And Meanings
Suit Element:
Earth, grounding, steady and stable. Material concerns. Keywords and Phrases: Gathering your harvest, financial improvement. Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings The Seven of Pentacles represents gathering in your harvest and the result of your efforts, we reap and sow, we plant and harvest. This may also be on a more metaphorical level, although generally there’s usually a financial connection. If we consider the process in farming, first the farmer must prepare the soil, plant the crop and tend to it over a period of time, if the weather works in their favour and conditions are good they finally reach the point of collecting the harvest. It’s only at this stage they receive payment for their effort, so the harvest bears fruit in more ways than one, but then the cycle must be repeated in readiness for the next crop. The Seven of Pentacles suggests something that has been diligently and methodically worked upon, and now comes to the moment when efforts are rewarded. This card especially resonates with the theme found with multiple sevens of a cycle change. The Seven of Pentacles can bring financial improvement and is also a good card for loans and negotiations, although as the theme suggests it’s normally worked toward over a period of time, so it’s quite an industrious card. A successful outcome showing growth achieved through hard work. If reversed: small returns that don't compensate efforts, unfinished work resulting in unpaid projects, financial dissatisfaction. Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations Seven of Pentacles > Four of Wands: Enjoyment of leisure after hard work. In certain circumstances can literally represent farming, with the Ten of Pentacles and The Empress could represent a farming family. Nine of Wands > Seven of Pentacles > Knight of Pentacles: Perseverance pays off, in for the long haul but results achieved. Seven of Pentacles > Four of Cups > Three of Swords: Dissatisfaction concerning a payment results in a disagreement. Seven of Pentacles > Ten of Swords: May bring a disappointing end to a source of income, or a cancelled payment. Seven of Pentacles > Four of Pentacles > Nine of Pentacles: Working hard and saving toward a healthy nest egg, successful and prosperous endeavours. Learn how to link cards together and find the connections interwoven in your readings to add depth and dimension.
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