Queen of Cups Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
Suit Element:
Water, female, passive energy - emotions Keywords and Phrases: Kind and sensitive lady, passive nature. Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meanings The Queen of Cups personality has a kind, considerate, and thoughtful nature, so they can be quite sensitive. Whilst most people dislike confrontation or dealing with disagreeable situations, the Queen of Cups will go out of her way to avoid them, which in itself can sometimes cause problems. They are lovely people and very easy to be around but they can also be worriers and not usually good with self-assertion or letting you know if they hold a differing viewpoint, as they're amenable and prefer agreeable circumstances. At whatever age, they have a wonderful childlike quality but it can sometimes lean to the downside of sulking, passive-aggression, or being overly dependent on others. On the plus side, they are deeply caring and notice if you’re not quite yourself, so will happily provide tea and sympathy. In terms of astrological sun signs, Cups could be taken to represent those of the water element. Tarot Card Combinations: Some readers like to use the Kings and Queens to represent a facet of your personality. As I work predictively, I prefer to use them to represent a mature man or woman in the reading based on their characteristics. You can usually identify the person depicted by the card based on the dominant personality traits allocated to each suit; they each have their strengths and weaknesses, so one is not more favourable than another. Cards surrounding them will show how they influence events. Learn how to link cards together and find the connections interwoven in your readings to add depth and dimension.
Easy Tarot Combinations includes predictive reading techniques and over a thousand combinations from real readings (not featured on the site). Now available from bookshops and online: Llewellyn, Amazon.com, Amazon UK, & Wordery |