Page of Cups Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
Suit Element:
Water, female, passive energy - emotions Keywords and Phrases: Emotional news. A sensitive child. Page of Cups Tarot Card Meanings For clarity, in the predictive style of reading, the Pages are the only Courts I use that can fall in one of two ways, either to represent messages coming in, or as children. The Page of Cups represents messages of an emotional nature, not necessarily always concerning love and romance but the news received will be felt on an emotional level in some way. This is usually a message of a positive nature, unless surrounding cards indicate otherwise. As the personality description for a child, the Page of Cups would be caring, kind, and sensitive, as they feel things deeply; they don’t tend to be carefree or rough-and-tumble such as the Page of Wands, for example. Not having achieved the maturity of their element as yet, they can be a little shy or hesitant, so tend to hang back or can sometimes be a little clingy. Usually quite sweet and well-behaved, they're normally polite and well-mannered. Some readers use the Courts as facets of personality, so in this respect, the Pages suggest the newness of childhood, such as when you take up the fragile beginnings of entering a new field you enter with a childlike state, so with Cups this would suggest on an emotional level. Tarot Card Combinations: As messages coming in, in simple lines follow the progression of events, so look to the card following to see if this is favourable or what occurs as a consequence; the card preceding would show where the message originates. Learn how to link cards together and find the connections interwoven in your readings to add depth and dimension.
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