Nine of Swords Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
Suit Element:
Air, analytical thought and intellect. Suit of challenges. Keywords and Phrases: Anxiety, worry, worst fears. Nine of Swords Tarot Card Meanings The Nine of Swords indicates worry and anxiety, and the thoughts that keep you awake at night. The woman sits up in bed, her head bowed and arms wrapped around herself for comfort, as nine swords bar the open window. The Nine tends to bring suffering through inner torment, the progression from conditions in the Eight of Swords if left unchecked. Most of us have experienced the Nine of Swords at some point in our lives, laying awake battling our worst fears that gnaw at peaceful sleep. The Nine of Swords is when we allow those thoughts to get the better of us and concerns turn into worry, with a pervading sense of gloom and despair. It doesn’t necessarily mean that worst fears will be realised though, Swords are of the mind so the fear of something may be far greater than the reality. When someone is suffering difficult circumstances this card can often be found alongside and accompanying others in the spread, so the level and cause of concern can usually be identified. If reversed, some see this card as a recovery from the conditions found in the upright meanings, whilst others still view it as a card of struggles, doubt, and a growing despair. Nine of Swords Tarot Card Combinations Two of Wands > Five of Wands > Nine of Swords: Concerns surrounding differences in a working partnership. Initial goals beset by challenges bring worry and cause for concern. Two of Cups > Nine of Swords: Anxiety concerning a close relationship. Five of Cups > Nine of Swords: Grief and despair. Three of Swords > Nine of Swords: Anguish following an argument or upset. Eight of Pentacles > Nine of Swords: New work (or study course) may be providing some worry and sleepless nights. Nine of Swords > The Chariot: Situation released through focus and determined effort, triumph over obstacles. Nine of Swords > Death > The Star: The end of a difficult and worrying period, concerns can finally be lain to rest and brings the promise of brighter times ahead. Learn how to link cards together and find the connections interwoven in your readings to add depth and dimension.
Easy Tarot Combinations includes predictive reading techniques and over a thousand combinations from real readings (not featured on the site). Now available from bookshops and online: Llewellyn,, Amazon UK, & Wordery |