Knight of Cups Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
Suit Element:
Water, female, passive energy - emotions Keywords and Phrases: Offers and proposals. Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meanings All the Knights bring movement and represent an event of some description. Some people view the Knights as being representative of adolescence, although in readings I find it’s easier to focus upon the Pages as minors, then Kings and Queens as mature adults. Traditionally, the Knight of Cups represented a marriage proposal and this may be so in the right context when combined with the right cards, but it can also indicate various offers of a romantic nature. However, I find that this card brings in all types of different offers and proposals that have an emotional impact, so is not just limited to affairs of the heart. For those that read the Courts as facets of character, the Knight of Cups is dreamy and romantic, although somewhat idealistic so not always very realistic. Knight of Cups Tarot Card Combinations In simple lines look for the card following the Knight of Cups to see what is being offered or proposed... Knight of Cups > Ace of Wands: An offer to become involved in an exciting new venture. Seven of Cups > Knight of Cups > Five of Cups: An offer you were anticipating may not materialise and leaves you disappointed. Knight of Cups > Five of Swords: Whatever is being proposed does not have your best interests at heart, there's something not to be trusted here and someone may be trying to take advantage. Knight of Cups > Seven of Pentacles: May be an investment proposition. Knight of Cups > The Lovers: A classic combination for an offer (or declaration) of love being made, invitation to go on a date or to become involved. Knight of Cups > The Hanging Man: Whatever is being offered may be held up and doesn’t take off, going nowhere at this point. You'll find more information to help you in Easy Tarot: Learn to Read the Cards Once and For All! book and card set. Available from bookshops and online:
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