King of Wands Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
Suit Element:
Fire, male active energy Keywords and Phrases: Bold and dynamic man, can be impulsive. King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings The King of Wands is full of energy and new ideas but can be something of a risk taker because they like to push the rules. They like the freedom to be able to operate unfettered with plenty of variety, so they can easily become distracted with something new and have a short attention span. Confident and self-assured, their natural charisma tends to make them quite popular, although they’re not unknown to use this to their advantage as they rally people round to their way of thinking. The King of Wands is an initiator, full of big bold plans as he leads from the front, ideally leaving others to organise the finer points and pick up the pieces. They can be impulsive, so patience is not their strong point, and they see opportunity but conveniently forget failures along the way, ever the optimist! In terms of astrological sun signs, Wands could be taken to represent those of the fire element. On the downside, they can be impulsive, fiery, not good with details, and tend to think everything revolves around them, but they’re usually quite popular (a lovable rogue) and they make things happen. Tarot Card Combinations: Some readers like to use the Kings and Queens to represent a facet of your personality. As I work predictively, I prefer to use them to represent a mature man or woman in the reading based on their characteristics. You can usually identify the person depicted by the card based on the dominant personality traits allocated to each suit; they each have their strengths and weaknesses, so one is not more favourable than another. Cards surrounding them will show how they influence events. You'll find more information to help you in Easy Tarot: Learn to Read the Cards Once and For All! book and card set. Available from bookshops and online:
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