Judgement Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
XX Judgement Correspondences:
Astrology: Pluto Element: Fire Keywords & Phrases: Resurrection, rebirth, roots in the past. Judgement Tarot Card Meanings The Judgement card indicates something with roots in the past coming back into being, so something is revived or resuscitated. The image in the card is often likened to Judgement Day but the theme is not one of being judged, it’s more in keeping with an awakening of the soul released from the past and being reborn. There can also be a sense of karma, in reaping what you have previously sown. In relationships, this is the main card I would look for with regard to reconciliation or revival of a relationship from the past, a frequently asked question by clients from the Tarot. (An article covering more about relationship reconciliation can be found here.) When Judgement appears there’s always a past connection to the matter in question in some way, as a rebirth would suggest. In whichever area this card appears it suggests a previous connection or past association will be relevant in some way. As always, surrounding cards would provide the context but with Judgement it is something returning and brought back to life, (death and rebirth) re-doing, rather than something completely new. Aside from resurrection and revival, words with the re- prefix (means again, or to go back, return) helps to remember the concept too, such as: reawaken, rekindle, regenerate, renew, restore, redo… lots of re-‘s! If reversed it can indicate procrastinating in moving forward, postponements or delays, being stuck in the past and refusing to face facts, or going back around in a circle with the same result. Judgement Tarot Card Combinations Two of Wands: > Judgement: Initial plans or goals may require you to go back over old ground and retrace your steps before continuing. Can indicate the renewal of a previous working partnership or collaborative project. Judgement > Three of Pentacles: A revival of work in a previous field, reawakening of old skills and resurrecting talents but using them in a refreshing new way. Two of Cups > Judgement: Reconciliation in a love relationship, resurrection of a previous relationship. Six of Cups > Ten of Pentacles > Judgement: returning to childhood home, going back to your roots, possible family reconciliation. The Hierophant > Judgement: Reviving past traditions, restoring faith. Learn how to link cards together and find the connections interwoven in your readings to add depth and dimension.
Easy Tarot Combinations includes predictive reading techniques and over a thousand combinations from real readings (not featured on the site). Now available from bookshops and online: Llewellyn, Amazon.com, Amazon UK, & Wordery Material provided here is in addition and complementary to the Easy Tarot series.
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