Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
Suit Element:
Earth, grounding, steady and stable. Material concerns. Keywords and Phrases: Financial lack, a material problem. Tough times. Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings A child clings to a woman wrapped against the cold. She looks to the man with an expression of concern, but he bows his downcast head for he has no answer to their plight. Their attention is so focused upon their predicament that they seem oblivious to the stained-glass window of five Pentacles that dominates the scene, where help and shelter may be available to them. The Five of Pentacles can represent financial difficulties, possible hardship or loss with material matters although it’s often short-term circumstances. This card can indicate unexpected bills or expenses at the least opportune time, like the exhaust falling off your car when you need it for work, the boiler giving up the ghost in the middle of winter, and so on. It creates extra expenditure that you could well do without but must somehow be dealt with. All forms of financial affairs are highlighted, the cheque you were relying upon that doesn’t arrive, paid work that dries up or hits a quiet period, your account in the red, being turned down for a loan or financial assistance, or on a lesser level being short-changed. The Five of Pentacles warns of temporary hardship when money may be thin on the ground. In most cases it can act as a warning to squirrel some funds away ready for a rainy day, or take action to avert a situation that can lead to loss. Unless followed by particularly negative cards, such as The Tower, it isn’t usually catastrophic, just inconvenient or not what we would wish for. In relationship readings the Five of Pentacles can point to finances creating problems in the partnership. On a personal basis it can suggest a sense of emptiness when the outlook feels bleak. The beggars in the image focus upon their fate but the church window suggests that aid may be available, so there can be a warning not to miss a helpful opportunity. If reversed, it may bring a reversal of fortunes although often a gradual restoration of resources, welcome relief and support. Some see the reversed card as a more pronounced loss. Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations Five of Pentacles > Six of Wands > Three of Cups: May bring supportive people to your aid that help to alleviate the situation. Alternatively, it can indicate important and positive news regarding your situation that brings good cheer. Nine of Pentacles > Ten of Swords > Five of Pentacles: Loss of financial position, could be substantial, take preventative measures, financial misfortunes. Ace of Pentacles > Five of Pentacles: Can be straightforward in representing an invoiced bill, although it could cost more than you anticipated. Justice > Ace of Pentacles > Five of Pentacles: May indicate liquidation, filing for bankruptcy, or losing a legal case that could prove costly. Five of Pentacles > Strength > The Star: Holding up whilst enduring a difficult financial situation, courage and quiet determination leads to brighter times up ahead, conditions will improve. Learn how to link cards together and find the connections interwoven in your readings to add depth and dimension.
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