Eight of Wands Tarot Card Combinations and Meanings
Suit Element:
Fire, male active energy Keywords and Phrases: Swift news. Speedy movement. Travel by air. Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings Eight Wands fly through the air against the peaceful backdrop of a pastoral scene as if to emphasise the contrast in pace. The Eight of Wands indicates the swift arrival of news and often shows when events are fairly imminent, unless the placement follows delay cards, in which case once things start to move they do so at speed. If there have been delays this one gets things moving! News received is usually positive, unless surrounded by less favourable cards, and carries all the excitement of the fire element usually found with Wands, so it often creates action and activity in response. Communications received can be in any form, including word of mouth. The speedy aspect of the card can be very helpful in relation to timing indications. On a secondary level, it can represent travel. Reversed or ill-dignified, the Eight of Wands can suggest miscommunications, disputes, or lost information. It can also stall things and bring cancellation etc. Eight of Wands Tarot Card Combinations One of the simplest cards to read in combinations of pairs or triplets and possibly needs little by way of explanation. Following delay cards can also release the log-jam. Two of Wands > Eight of Wands: Good news and messages concerning a working partnership. Initial plans taking off with speed. Eight of Wands > Four of Cups: The contents of this message leave you feeling flat and jaded, disinclined to follow through. Four of Swords > Eight of Wands: Tends to suggest a quick recovery, events picking up momentum after a slow period. Eight of Wands > Ten of Swords: Holds disappointing news, not what you were hoping to hear and brings something to a close. Eight of Wands > Eight of Pentacles: News concerning a new job or work. The Fool > Eight of Wands: Unexpected or surprising news! Eight of Wands > The Chariot: Would tend to reinforce the travel aspect and suggests a quick trip. Eight of Wands > The Hermit > Seven of Cups: Contemplating information received and taking your time to consider options available. Eight of Wands > Temperance: Adjusting the tempo and dialing it down a notch, diplomatic response may be needed to correspondence. You'll find more information to help you in Easy Tarot: Learn to Read the Cards Once and For All! book and card set. Available from bookshops and online:
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